Direction 4 of the ASBP-3
This direction includes projects aimed at addressing the issues associated with institutional development, improving regulatory frameworks and institutional structures, strengthening the capacity of regional IFAS bodies, developing the policy and strategy for sustainable development, training and capacity building, and increasing public awareness.
Expected outputs are:
• Conditions for a transparent and mutually beneficial regional dialogue and cooperation, including setting up a sectorial dialogue between governments established.
• Conditions for a free exchange of opinions on vital issues, including on strengthening ties between stakeholders, ministries and agencies, academic and cultural communities, and the public at large, established.
• Institutional mechanisms and contractual and legal frameworks of regional cooperation in water resource
management improved.
• A greater understanding of the most important issues of regional cooperation, including the situation assessment, causes of the problem of regional cooperation, and mutually acceptable ways to resolve these problems identified.
• Proposals to improve national legislative acts and to draft legislative and regulatory documents in order to improve the efficiency of activities aimed at adapting to and mitigating the consequences of climate change in the context of the UN Framework Conventions on Climate Change developed.
• A National regulatory framework for the safety of water facilities in the countries of Central Asia improved.
• The capacity of EC IFAS strengthened.
• A Prototype of the single information and analysis system for the water sector established.
• A Communication Strategy for stakeholders and the public established.
• Training systems for the water sector and the hydrometeorological services in Central Asia improved.
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